Sanal Nütrisyon Okulumuzun kullanıma açılmasından sonra, ESPEN yönetimi ve eğitim komitesinden pek çok övgü dolu mesaj aldık. Son olarak da geçtiğimiz hafta sonu ESPEN resmi web sitesinde (www.espen.org) ilk haber olarak duyuruldu.

ESPEN üst yönetiminden gelen kutlama mesajlarından bazılarını aşağıda sizlerle paylaştık.

Dear Pr Gundogdu,
I was very impressed by this virtual university available on the web for Turkish doctors, nurses, pharmacists, dietitians and students. I am confident that this will be another added value to the fabulous program you are planning for your country. Congratulations. Please let me know if we can communicate this important event on the ESPEN website. Other countries could be inspired by your initiative.
Kind regards
Pierre Singer
ESPEN Chairman

Dear Professor Gundogdu, thank you very much for your kind message below about the creation of a Virtual School of Nutrition. Many congratulations for this outstanding initiative, which follows many previous successful KEPAN activities. I look forward to continuing the ongoing collaboration between ESPEN and KEPAN in nutrition education.
With kindest regards
Rocco Barazzoni
ESPEN General Secretary

Dear Haldun,
First of all let me congratulate with you for the wonderful activities that KEPAN is launching. I believe that your "Virtual School of Nutrition" would greatly help the spread of good nutritional care in Turkey. This web-based platform is really key especially in large countries like Turkey, since you may easily reach even small hospital, and therefore provide equal access to good nutritional care to all malnourished patients in Turkey.
Congratulations again: well done!
All the best
Alessandro Laviano
ECPC Chairman

Dear Prof. Gundogdu, I just want to thank you for letting me know this extraordinary educational tool and to congratulate you for the good work you are doing in KEPAN to promote the knowledge of clinical nutrition among your colleagues.This initiative deseves to be well known. If you agree, Dr. Kubilay Demirag could inform ESPEN Council next meeting about this achievement.
Looking forward to meeting you in next KEPAN Congress,
Miguel Leon-Sanz
LLL Course Director

Dear Haldun
Again a great achievement.
Kind regards
Prof. Rémy Meier MD
LLL Course Co-Director

Dear Profesor Gundogdu,
Thank you very much for your informations about the Virtual School of Nutrition. Congratulation to excellent idea and to enormous work. I was surfing on the topics, because my PC was able to translate the turkish texts.
It is great work and a big help to turkish doctors, nutritionists, dietetians, nurses, student and to all who is interested to learn the nutritional therapy.
I am very thankful for your informations, sorry I could not understand Turkish.
Ernő Dárdai M.D.Ph.D.
Past-President of HSCN

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